Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 8 – Afternoon

Have now been unemployed for a week, and it is harder than I thought to be able to relax and wind down, workaholics are not built for doing nothing. Even though I take walks, clean, do the dishes and other little things that need to be done I feel a bit stressed about doing nothing. So one week after leaving my job, the little stress tummy ache has returned.

Today has been one of those days where everything that can go wrong, starting with sleeping for a lot longer than planned. I have been trying to blame the rest on the fact that I started the day with a bowl of muesli (aka breakfast) rather than a cup of cappuccino and a smoke. Then of course when I tried to make the first cup I dropped it and had the floor full of warm milk, at least it didn’t break.

I was also trying to be smart by putting a limit on my cellphone to ensure that I don’t go overboard on the bill (since I’m now on a budget) and have been spoilt with not having to pay the bill for the past three years. Apparently I do not know myself at all, and the limit has now been reached and I cannot make any calls or send any texts for the rest of the month, ops. This budget living thing is really hard stuff.

Eating a really late lunch, which are leftovers from last night’s dinner together with some Mango water. My nutritionist told me to cut down on soda and juice and drink more water, which I think is the world’s most boring drink. When stating this fact, I was kindly informed that water can be made more fun by putting frozen berries in there, and since I always do what I am told, I went to the frozen berry counter in the grocery store and bought some frozen berries and Mango (love everything Mango) and put it in the water. And to be honest it’s not that bad.

Are planning for a short trip to the big city tonight, to get out and meet some people, and think that I might have some small withdrawal symptoms from the lack of the horrible Danish language.

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