Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 12 – Evening

Back home from work, did ride my bike today and found my way there ok, it was worse on the way home. I didn’t really get lost; just think that I took a longer route than required.

It is amazing how quickly the day goes by when enjoying your job and are having fun, it felt like I just got there when it was time to go home again. Now it’s wind down time, going to have some dinner and do a bit reading before it’s time to meet the girls for some Bowling. It was ages since I went bowling last so it’s going to be fun, and nice to hang out with the new co-workers, hopefully making some new friends :)

Aiming for a not to late evening though, have a busy weekend in front of me and need my beauty sleep, but I’m not complaining, am living again :)

1 comment:

  1. is there no more or has life ended or are you not single anymore?
