Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 6 – Midday

What a weekend, very happy that this Monday morning can be used for relaxing and just chill; even though the people renovating the building next door thought being very noisy at 6:30 to 8:00 was a great plan. But after that I did manage to get some more hours of well needed sleep.

Obviously I am not young anymore and a full weekend of celebrating my new life, visiting a whiskey fair and yet another quiz night, I am very happy that the office wasn’t waiting for me this morning. Am sure that all of you are now starting to worry that I am becoming a full-fledged couch potato, but do not fear at four o’clock this afternoon I have a date with what might become my very own personal trainer. Yes everyone I will start exercising. She is also a nutritionist so that we can ensure that the 10kgs that I lost over the past year will be returned, so hopefully in a few months’ time I am no longer just skin and bones, something that I am looking very much forward to.

The plan right now is to go and make myself another great cappuccino and sit down and read a book. The cellphone has been turned off, and the plan is to keep it that way for a few days, to have some me time before I jump on the train to visit the family up north, can guess that it will be a few intense days up there.


  1. Enjoy! Make sure to go outside the weather is fantastic!

  2. But.. how will the people from that place you had a job interview with get in touch with you..? Or is that part of the plan after all the fun we made of your attempt at being unemployed.

  3. I did forget about those people, so phone back on, but calls will be screened. And I think am doing pretty good at being unemployed ;)
