Guess I can’t call it day 14 anymore even though I haven’t gone to sleep yet. Had another interesting trip home from the big city. Train not going any further, had to get off and the next train delayed. When I got off the train someone moved my bike to the other side, doesn’t understand why, couldn’t they just sit down on that side instead, had to move my bike?
Well, rode my bike up to Max Hamburger place and got some of the lovely snacks they sell there, can’t even remember when I got a burger there the last time. Once I got out the rain was pouring down so I came home with wet food, but that is fine because when it rains the criminals stay inside and don’t try to kill each other of at the square so I can ride home safely without having to worry about getting in the crossfire of their crazy random shootings. And trust you me, if I do get the job here in town I will stay away from the bus. The way that they are shooting at the busses I do think I’m safer riding my bike.
And on the personal side, does anyone want to take bets on my ex wanting to meet up with me on Thursday. Today it required my friend calling leaving a message on his answering machine before he actually got his thumb out if his ass and returned my call. The conversation in itself is something I’ll keep to myself.
Is that spice enough Brenda?
ha ha wow I got a shot out hope you are ok!!! Let me know if you need anything